Climate Change
Clean energy innovation enables pioneering artisan enterprises to reduce their reliance on energy from fossil fuels. Solar energy powers equipment and lighting. Methane collected from local bio-digesters replaces propane transported from processing plants miles and miles away. Gasification of pine needles – a fire hazard cleared from forest floors – replaces use of diesel fuel to run power generators. Agricultural waste packed in briquettes replace charcoal for firing clay, and re-designed furnaces burn more efficiently.
Avani powers its campus and textile production centers in Kumaon in northern India with solar power.
Avani has developed pine needle gasifers to use pine needles collected from the forest to fuel its back up generators in northern India.
Xaquixe's bio digester produces methane from local agricultural waste which it uses to fuel its glassblowing furnaces in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Xaquixe fuels the studio's glassblowing furnace with waste vegetable oil collected from local restaurants in Oaxaca and methane from its bio digesters.
Before touching a single tree, Itza Wood's reforestation project planted 45,000 trees in the heart of the Peten jungle in Guatemala.
Young Mountain Tea supports the regeneration of the farmlands in Kumaon increasing the incomes of tea farmers in northern India.